As B3 compliance becomes the standard for assisted living homes in Alberta, we have found that many service providers and not-for-profit foundations do not have the financial resources or expertise to develop and build these custom designed buildings.
Highcliffe has developed a unique methodology that allows service providers to be fully involved in the development of a custom designed Assisted Living Facility, with no cost to themselves, in a location of their approval. The result of this process is to hand over occupancy of the building to the service provider at a specified date. Highcliffe will develop, design, build and complete the property, and then lease the facility through a long-term lease agreement or lease to purchase agreement if desired by the service provider.
Highcliffe provides highly responsive land-lording services to all our properties. It is in keeping with the needs of service providers providing care to our residents. As all our homes are expected to meet Alberta Health Care housing standards at all times, we feel it is this component that has created a unique bond with our service providers.
In short, the turnkey methodology involves the following:
Discussion and confirmation of design.
Discussion and evaluation of possible sites.
Memorandum of Understanding.
Finalization of Design and Development Permit.
Letter of Intent.
Municipal Planning Committee Approval.
Building Permit Approval.
Construction Process.
Occupancy Process.
This process has been used for the design and construction of ten buildings for Service Providers in Red Deer.
If you would like more information on our Road Map for a Turnkey solution for your needs, please contact us at your convenience.